Android Development Environment Setup

 Generally to build applications for Android we should have Java Development Kit (JDK), Android SDK, and a development environment.

 The Android SDK is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems to build android applications based on our requirements.

We can set up an Android development environment using the following two ways

  1. Setup Eclipse IDE Manually (Depreciated)
  2. Android Studio

Initially, Google supported a Manual Eclipse IDE Setup for android development environment by downloading required components like Eclipse IDE, Android SDK, Java Development Kit (JDK) etc. from the official site. Afterward, Google introduced a component called Android Studio to make environment setup process simple.

By using Android Studio bundle we can easily setup android development environment in any operating system to implement android applications.

Android Studio is the combination of following components to allow users to implement android applications.

  1. Eclipse IDE
  2. Android SDK
  3. Android Virtual Device
  4. Eclipse Plugin

By downloading Android Studio directly from Google website to setup we can easily setup development environment.

Check the following article to know more details about setting up the Android development environment to implement required apps using Android Studio.

Android Studio Installation

This is how we can set up an Android development environment using Android Studio component.